Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm Mr. Snowmiser...

So Ava's mid-year winter dance recital-- (which was supposed to take place on December 20th, and had since been rescheduled twice due to snow) --finally happened tonight. (Yay!) Her class danced to "Mr. Snowmiser," from one of those old-school 1970's claymation Christmas movies. Actually, it was a super cute song and dance too!  Per usual, our little ballerina-diva did fantastic. She is unequivocally one of those kids that thrives on attention and loves being onstage, all eyes watching her. She had the biggest smile of all the ballerinas in her ensemble, and once again she knew every single step without fail. Add a beautiful bouquet of pink flowers from Daddy, the perfect ballerina bun (complete with silver glittery hairspray), and a post-performance celebratory dinner at Friendly's, and the night was pure magic for her. Congratulations Aves, you made Mommy & Daddy so proud...again :-)

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