Friday, February 26, 2010

Honestly...who comes up with these things?!

As a Momma, I've spent a fair amount of time over the years on sites like Ticketmaster, attempting to score fantastic seats to such (riveting) events as Backyardigans Live, Dora in concert, Nick Jr. Live, Disney Princesses on Ice, Elmo onStage, and, most recently, Curious George Live.

Having said this, most of you are probably familiar with the captcha  test that you are required to participate in, (in order to let the site know that you are indeed a human and not a computer,)  before you are allowed to proceed to purchase the tickets.

Well is it me, or have these Captcha tests become increasingly more bizarre over the years?

Back in the day, they would require relatively simple codes: "hello 5" or "name 12" and so on.

Well these freaking things have become so incredibly bizarre, I am 200% convinced that they are created solely by a room-full of people tripping on acid and/or magical mushrooms while listening to The Best of Bob Marley.

What's that, you say? You'd like proof?  Well then, it's a good thing that I decided to jot some of them down during my most recent Ticketmaster experience (last night), as I searched for decent Curious George Live tickets for Aves. So, without further ado, may I present to you: "Completely weird Captcha tests that I was made to unscramble in order to buy Curious George tickets."

Gullible Barbados
Razor grimmest
Wounded spouses
Neck dustier
Lust consistently
Sanchez muzzles
Timbuktu neutered
Politician lush
Burping goblet
Kiosk vendetta
Iguana urn
Mr. grumbles
Hairnet o’clock
Nipple tattling
Cheddar cartilage
Pudgier yeti
Of buttocks
Headman troll
Monsoon 15-year-old
Bitten busts
Weasel massacres
Slurping exorcism
President-elect bladders
Prostitute slovenia

I personally got the biggest chuckles from "Sanchez muzzles" and "Nipple tattling"...(although "pudgier yeti" is definitely a close second.)

And so, my avid blog stalkers readers, do you have any bizarro Captcha stories that you'd like to share?? If so, please feel free. Especially in day 3 of my valium-induced state, I'm sure they will give me an excellent chuckle  :-)


Krajcimama said...

Too funny - I think my favorite is Slurping Exorcism. :)

Thanks for the chuckle.

Ave-n-Gav's Momma said...

haha thanks for validating that anyone in this universe actually reads my blog!!! and you're welcome for the chuckle :)

It's now what I need said...

Ummm... some of these are inappropriate... you should complain.. burping is a swear, and busts is obviously boobs. And PROSTITUTE... NIPPLES??? I am totally offended and feel that ticketmaster owes us something for reading these devil-lorn words.
ps. in order to submit my comment, my captcha was glameti... now that is a respectable captcha.