Anyhoo, what better way to ring in your first birthday than with a stylin' new 'do!?
Gav's hair has been getting a bit ("a bit" = "a lot") unruly these days, so we figured once he turned one, we'd take him for this rite of passage into Toddlerhood. And so this afternoon we ventured to the neighborhood SnipIts for the cause. (for those of you who may not be familiar with this establishment, think "Disney meets Supercuts.") It really is quite the star treatment! The kiddos get to sit in these super comfy salon chairs, while entrancing bubbles are blown continuously for them to gaze at and pop, lollipops of every imaginable flavor are handed to them, and any kids show or movie of their liking is played for them on their own personal flat-screen tv right at their eye level. Everything in the place is cartoonish, and exaggerated in size...i.e. the four-foot tall pair of scissors greeting you at the door. And once the haircut has been successfully completed, the child is awarded a "prize card" to slide into the prize machine (basically a kiddo-sized ATM machine) to retrieve a mystery prize of their choice. Granted, the prices are entirely obscene, but for an occasion as big as a first haircut, well worth every penny.
So anyways, we took Gav this afternoon. Like I mentioned earlier, he was WAY overdue for this trim...need I say more??
At first, he did alright in the chair. He was very interested to see what was going on around him, and to look at all of the fancy and colorful gadgets.
However all of this soon changed once these fun distractions became old news and the realization set in that he was in fact strapped to a chair with a strange, scissor-handed woman attacking his hair!
We brought out the bug guns and offered him lollipops
and even his sippy of milk,
...but as you can see, neither one did the trick. The poor little guy was NOT happy about this haircut. In fact, he was mad. VERY mad:
Finally, he caught a glimpse of a very good looking stud in the mirror,
and thought to himself, "Day-um! I'm lookin' GOOD!"
He could hardly believe that the handsome little man looking back at him in the mirror was, in fact, HIM! Watch out, ladies!
The haircut was finally over and the finished product was awesome!!!
I, of course, sobbed uncontrollably when I saw how grown-up he looked, and made sure that they saved me a little baggie of the baby hair that he came into this world with. All in all, it was a fun, exciting, emotional day for all of us.
One thing's for sure... although I entered that hair salon today with a baby...I definitely brought home a little boy.
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