Sunday, June 27, 2010

Front steps, sunsets, & life's big questions

Aves & I sat on the front steps tonight after Gav was in bed, admiring the gorgeous sunset. You know, one of those "Crayola's got nothin' on this" sunsets, where the ambers melted into pinks which melted into golden hues, water-colored across the entire visible horizon.
Pure amazingness.

"Momma, I know what's up there. It's heaven, right?"

"Yes, heaven is up there."

"Right above those pretty clouds...right Momma?"


"Momma, who's in Heaven?"

"Well, God. That is God's home. He lives there."

"And Michael Jackson, right?"

 "Yep, Michael Jackson is up there too."

"Hmmm. Well is it just them? Just God & Michael Jackson in that whole wide big Heaven?"

"Well, no honey, there are lots and lots of other people up there too."

"Like who?"

"Well, lots of people who have people who were very old, or people who became sick and had to go to Heaven. Those sorts of people."  

"And how long does it take God once they get there?"

"How long does it take God to do what honey?"

"To fix them. The sick people. How long does it take him to fix them and send them back to here?"

I decide, in this moment, two things:
1). That four-and-a-half is a bit young to be informed of the harsh reality (and finality) that is death,
2). This night is much too beautiful to end in tears.

And so, I wrap her up in my lap and simply tell her, "It takes him a little while baby. It takes him a little while."

She smiles up at me from my lap..."Momma?"

"Yes baby?"

"I'm really glad that God has Michael Jackson up there to help him fix people...that's a really big job."

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