Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tellin' it like it is....

Aves:  "Momma, can you please shave your legs this morning when you shower?"

Me:  "You know that Mommy's neck and back have been hurting  a lot lately. It is hard to lean over in the shower and shave with a bad back.... And by the way, you're four years old!   Why does my leg hair bother you, ya big goof ball?!"  (*I go to wrap my arms around her to give her a massive bear hug & a tickle....)

Aves"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" She squeals in the most high-pitched scream ever to fall on human ears. "Dadda, come save me, quick!"

Jeff:   (in the kitchen with Gav, unaware of what is going on) "...Save you from what, honey?"

Aves:   "From being attacked by this hairy, hairy beast of a Momma!!!!!!!!!"

And on that note....this hairy beast is off to attempt a shower & a leg shave. Which will be interesting terrifying, considering I still can't bend my neck to look down. Wish me luck folks.

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