Monday, March 1, 2010

A random act of kindness...and a yummy one at that :-)

Dear Em(and hubby Andrew):
Are you guys serious!? I am still in shock about what transpired here tonight. (And so, so incredibly humbled by your selfless act of generosity.)  Sure, we've corresponded a bunch via Facebook over the past several months, but the truth is, we haven't seen each other in person since-- umm, high school? 1999ish? Once upon a time, an era existed when our families frequented Wendy's together post-softball games (circa 1995,) and we'd sit & giggle, devouring chocolate frosties, marveling over how on Earth we beat that Red team.  However the reality is, after high-school, we went our separate ways and didn't really connect again until (very) recently.  The fact that the two of you went tremendously out of your way to drive to our house tonight to drop off a yummy, hot meal (and homemade dessert!) to help our family after the tumultuous few weeks we've had here is beyond any amount of generosity that words could do justice to.  We are all still (attempting!) to fall back into some resemblance of a routine given the month that we've had, and truly a hearty meal is exactly the sort of thing that we have been lacking.  We are so, so appreciative of this gesture and only hope that an appropriate time in your lives will arise for us to return the favor.  Thank you both so much for filling up our bellies with the yummy, healing goodness of comfort food, and for extending such a kind & thoughtful act of friendship.  (Oh, and also for reminding us that amidst all of the yucky nastiness that exists in the world, there is so much goodness too!)

I came across a quote that really struck a chord within me regarding what transpired tonight, and I will leave you on this note:

"We ourselves tend to feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be much, much less because of that one missing drop."   ~Mother Teresa

Thank you again guys!!! You are amazing!!

Jeff, Trace, Aves and Gav

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