1). Being able to sit on the couch (after the kiddos are in bed) performing an upper-lip wax, while simultaneously (and shamelessly, might I add,) polishing off 1/2 a ream of double-stuff Oreo cookies. (this visual is priceless, no?)
2). Not worrying about the disgruntled, husbandly sighs of "I can't believe I'm missing Chuck for this garbage!" as I indulge in such riveting shows as "16 & Pregnant" and TLC's "The Little Couple"...(while finishing up the remaining 1/2 ream of aforementioned cookies.)
3). Not having to change the toothbrush head from his to mine on our Sonicare every morning! (it's the little things, folks...)
4). Being able to sprawl out and have the bed (and all of it's 700-thread count sateen sheet goodness) ALL TO MYSELF for three whole nights- Heaven! As a side-note, nights like this truly make me ponder how we ever shared a TWIN sized bed in college...?! (*Unless you are my Dad reading this, who probably assumed that his very Catholic, very chaste, very pure daughter only ever shared her college bed with her stuffed animals...Keep the dream alive, Dad. Keep it alive.)
However, on this note, I will also add that Murphy's Law of the husband-less household was in full swing this week as well. This was evident by the fact that I threw my back out AGAIN 12 hours after he left....the garbage had to be taken out (AND the barrels & recycling bins brought back in from the street--ewww, the gross jobs)...the toilet clogged twice (I had to PLUNGE my daughter's floating poop!)....the sink had to be Liquid Plumber-ed...and I heard strange noises on our deck every night around midnight that had me convinced that an escaped convict was attempting a B & E. (I slept with the phone clutched tight in my hands every night for this reason!) I will say, I was very successful at trucking right along through all of this, (mostly with the help of pain meds for the back,) and managed to hold down the fort quite impressively over the past few days solo. Oh and also, I wasn't coup d'état-ed by my children, which was a definite concern slash possibility. (hey, I am outnumbered now, anything's possible!) And speaking of those kiddos? They were remarkably well-behaved and absolutely adorable every single day. Literally. I might even venture to say that I sort of enjoyed our little time without Daddy...just the three of us :-)
But alas, hubby has made it home safe & sound tonight, and so it's back to the same old, same old. Back to the routine. Back to the grind... And yes, even back to the covert, Oreo-less, mustache-waxing routine in the confines of el bano.
All worth it though, to have home safe & sound the man whose hugs still make my heart skip a beat-- and who makes 4 days apart feel like 4 years. Welcome home Jeffster! :-)
Double Stuff Oreos are my FAVORITE!!!
When my DH was in college I was telling my sister about how I thought he was the dog and kicked him out of the twin bed we were sleeping in...I didn't realize my dad was listening and he poked his head into the room and gave me one of those looks. I said, "Really, Dad, where did you think I was sleeping when I went to visit for the weekend?" We never talked about it - I was 23 at the time...but man what a sinking feeling it gave me for some odd reason. I hated to "disappoint" my dad.
Glad your hubby made it home safe and sound. Hope your back is feeling better!
1). YES, double stuff oreos rock. I mean, who would even consider the single stuff version?! Foolishness.
2). MOST awkward moment with my Dad? Telling him we were having a baby would have to take the gold. Yes, were married for 3 months already but having to admit that we had, indeed, DONE the deed, was a bit awkward. Oh well...2 adorable grandkiddos later, and I think (hope) he's over it ;-)
3). Thank you for your kind words! Seeing a chiro on Friday and praying for results!!! :)
wow... what a welcome home! don't worry, you can go back to your hubby-less lifestyle for a few more days, next week!
love ya!
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