As we sat munching our delectable bagel sandwiches, (Gav propped up in a high chair devouring cheerios,) I asked Aves about her day at school.
Me: "So, what did you learn about today?"
A: "Lots of, trees- I learned all about the maple tree today!"
Me: "Wow, cool baby! What else?"
A: "Oh! And we learned all about the letter F. I can even draw a little F too now! Just like this." (she draws a big F, then little F, in the air with her cream-cheese covered pointer finger. Adorable.)
Me: "And what was your job today at school?"
A: "I was weather girl. I got to tell everyone that it was cold outside but sunny too."
Me: "Good girl! Sounds like you had a really great day. And what did you have for snack?"
A: (thinking hard about it, looking up, trying to remember...and then exclaims extremely loudly,) "Oh, I remember! We had graham CRAPPERS. Mommy, they were the BEST crappers I've ever had. Can we get crappers like those and bring them home?"
(businessman sitting at table adjacent to us nearly spits out his coffee all over his laptop and starts laughing to himself)
Me: "Yes, of course we can buy some graham CRAPPERS. They sound delicious!!"
Love the little moments like this!!!
p.s. also, today was the highly anticipated Preschool picture day!!! Here were some of the pics we took at home this morning before heading out the door to school...please note her rockin' new 'do and her picture day outfit that she chose all by herself. Oh, and her new-found obsession with thumbs-upping in every single photo opp. She was very proud :-)
In conclusion, I can't wait to see how her first school pictures came out, without the assistance of her Momma & a comb. Can't wait!
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