1. That my Mom, while here taking care of the kids on Monday, sat in Gavin's room smoking cigarettes over his crib and blowing the smoke directly at him, and didn't understand my anger when I confronted her about this!? (*sidenote, my Mom quit smoking a few years ago now)
2. That Gav took his first steps and began talking while I was laying in bed with back pain, and I was moved to tears to have missed it!
3. That Oprah came to my house to make grilled cheese sandwiches for our family, and at the end of her evening here, she pointed to all of us at the table and yelled (as she passed out the sandwiches to us) "YOU get a grilled cheese! YOU get a grilled cheese! YOU get a grilled cheese!!!!!" and so on.
4. That I was involved in a massive game of hide-and-go-seek at my summer house in Maine and hid in the boat house for days before anyone found me.
5. That I had a fabulous lunch in Amherst center with 80's tv personality Mayim Bialik, better known as Blossom, and that we discussed how she wished I was cast as her best friend Six in the sitcom, but I was just too young at the time.
6. That Jeff & I took an impromptu trip to beautiful Barbados...feet in the sand, massive frosty beverages with little umbrellas, and native woman braiding my hair into cornrows. Pure heaven. (that was certainly a dream I didn't want to wake up from)
Like I've said before, the only 2 times in my life when I seem to have completely vivid, bizarre dreams are when I am pregnant and when I'm on serious pain meds. And I will again reiterate that in this case it is definitely the pain meds (...otherwise, this Lucy would have some serious 'splainin' to do, Desi.)
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