2. A yummy family dinner out at Bugaboo Creek, (complete with VIP seating right next to the big cozy fireplace, and directly beneath the massive taxidermy Buffalo head AND squirrel swinging on a lantern). OH, and of course the stuffed mallards. Can't forget those.
3. Mommy-daughter pedicures! (Of course Ava persuaded the very nice Vietnamese nail technician to also please do her "regular hand nails" too, so she ended up with a full mani-pedi.)We had a blast and it was excellent and much needed girlie time, just the two of us :)
4. A truly one-of-a-kind, HOMEMADE cake from your 4 year old daughter!
Me: "Wow Aves, this is amazing! Did you make this yourself?"
A: "Yup, me and Daddy went to the supermarket and I chose ALL the ingredients all by myself! I chose pink cake mix, and then I put in: raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, chocolate ice cream, frosting, whipped cream, and cream cheese."
Here is my proud little chef with her first culinary masterpiece:
...And to be honest, it was actually super yummy!
So as the day comes to a close, I feel blessed to have spent my 29th birthday with my cozy little family on a snowy January day. Here's to the last year of my twenties; hoping it is a year full of health, happiness, and lots of laughter. Happy Birthday, me!
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