Allowing a preschooler to look at your wedding album can, apparently, stir up some pretty intense conversation, as I found out today!
A: “Mommy, where was I at your wedding?”
T: “Well, you were still in heaven.”
A: “Oh, with God?”
T: “Yes, exactly. With God.”
A: “So…..when did I come down from heaven?”
T: “After mommy & daddy got married God decided that it was time for you to grow in my belly, so that is when you came down.”
A: “Oh okay. (a few seconds of silence)… “So how did God get me in there anyways?”
T: "It was magical. God is magical."
A: (takes a long sip of apple juice, and then): "But HOW did God put me in your belly? Like, how did I get in there?"
T: “Ummm…..”
A: (using massive, exasperated Italian hand gestures) "No mommy, just tell me, HOW did he put me INSIDE your BELLY??? Was it through your bellybutton?"
T: (taking a massive gulp of her apple juice and thinking for a second,): "Ask Daddy."
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