Prologue: Gavin's nether regions- you know- his, ahem, manhood - is affectionately referred to around here as his "Noodle." This, after Ava seeing it for the first time a few days after his birth, intently observed a diaper change and remarked that "baby Gav has a looooooong, silly noodle!" ANd from that day forward, "noodle" it was. However at this point in time, Gav is just learning to say words and can't quite master "noodle," and therefore has re-named his noodle, "Noonie."
One of Gavin's first words was actually the phrase, "Peet-a-boo!" -- Obviously, his own little rendition of peek-a-boo. (This is undoubtedly because Ava started playing it with him fresh-out-the-womb, and it was such a familiar sound/word to him, that it was a natural choice once his little brain started to figure out how to form and say words.)
For several months now, we'd look over at him, hide our face behind our hands, and watch him mimic this motion as his tiny, happy little voice shrieked:
Super cuteness right there, if you ask me.
And so this morning as I cleaned up the post-breakfast madness in the kitchen, it wasn't entirely shocking to hear his voice, from behind his closed bedroom door, exclaiming Peet-a-boo!!! Peet-a-boo!!! followed by insane amounts of giggling.
What was shocking, however, was that his big sister was at school, and nobody else was home. Who on earth could he be peet-a-booing with?
Ohmygosh. It hit me. I suddenly envisioned him, sitting his chubby little self in front of the floor length closet mirror in his bedroom, doing peet-a-boo with his own reflection, and realized what an adorable photo-opp this would make for the baby book! Leaving the dishwasher wide-open and the sink still running of course remembering to shut the sink off as to conserve water like a good, environmentally conscious little housewife, I booked it into the living room to grab the camera and then quietly crept down the hallway, praying that I wouldn't interrupt the uber-cute moment I was about to capture on film.
I was giddy with anticipation!
I creaked his bedroom door open, slowly, quietly, camera in hand, & ready to go, and...
No baby in front of mirror. I was perplexed.
"Peet-a-boooo!" I heard again, and realized it was coming from behind the glider in the corner. Slowly, I crept to the corner, and peered over the glider.
And there he was. My boy.
Diaper completely off,
in all of his glory,
sitting on his bum,
feet together and knees apart.
He looked up at me and smiled mischeivously.
"Where is your diapey, little man!??" I asked him
He looked down at his bare little situation down below, looked back at me, and replied, "Uhhhh-ohhh."
'Uh-oh is right," I replied as I picked up his (thank goodness, dry) diaper from the floor next to him. (sidenote, said diaper had clearly been completely mangled in his fervent attempt at freeing it from his body.)
And then, still sitting there bare-bum on the floor, (with his feet still together,) he closed his knees for about ten seconds, then threw them apart, looked down at his manhood, and shrieked:
"Peet-a-Boooooo, Noonie!"
and giggled.
That's right, folks.
My son was playing peek-a-boo with none other than....his very own noonie.
I'm sure he will thank me in fifteen years for deciding against photographing this totally bizarre adorable little milestone, and for recounting it words instead. And in the end, I suppose this makes a much better baby book entry than what I had initially envisioned :-)