Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Smooth, peanunt-buttery Pride!!!!

Tonight Ava plainly told me,

"Mommy, I would like a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich for dinner, and I am cooking."

To be honest, the first thought that crossed my sleep-deprived, time-conscious, OCD/clean-freak mind was

"You will absolutely NOT be making a sticky, gooey mess of my very clean kitchen this close to bedtime!!!!"

But the less high-strung, calmer, go-with-the flow voice deep down inside me-- the one that often recalls the famous Last Lecture given by one of the most inspirational people I have ever heard, Randy Pausch, took a deep breath, put a smile on my face, and answered,

"What a great idea Aves! Go for it."

This should be very interesting, I thought to myself as she was already pushing the chair over to the cabinet to reach her "ingredients" for her "recipe." (She reminded me on atleast 9 occasions that she desired no help whatsoever, and that she could get the bread herself, the knife herself, the plate herself, and all other necessary ingredients for this venture, sans any sort of assistance from me.)

The hilarity that ensued over the next 25-- (that's right, TWENTY-FIVE)  long minutes of sandwich making, as she quickly learned life's little lessons like peanut butter is a b**ch to spread on bread, jam is difficult to retreive from a jar with a knife, etc... was best captured by the pictures that follow...
But in the end, my heart was overflowing with smooth, peanut-buttery pride (and my eyes with warm, salty tears!) as she beamed a huge, accomplished smile and proclaimed,

"Momma, LOOK!!! I DID IT!!!!!!"

So in conclusion, yes, I unequivocally could have made the same sandwich for her in 1/10th of the time, and with 1/10000th of the mess; but this highly spontaneous, totally defining moment in her childhood was entirely worth every ooey-gooey, sticky, crumbs-on-the-floor, jam in her hair, peanut butter handprints on the chair second.  :-)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful Thoughts 2009

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and the unofficial kick-off to the holiday season, I began to think of what it is I'm most grateful for this year. The more I thought, the more I wrote. Here's what I came up with. Enjoy :)

~I’m thankful for fingerprints smeared on my walls,
For tripping on Barbie dolls left in my halls

I’m thankful for crumbs in the cracks of my chairs
And for big slinky races down steep basement stairs

For the never ending laundry- ‘Mt. Washmore’ we call it
(and for Tide’s massive dent in our family’s wallet!)

I’m thankful for stretch marks on a less-than firm belly
And for sticky breakfast hands that are covered in jelly

I’m thankful for giggles, for tickles, for hugs
For the bright play-dough specs hidden deep in my rugs

I’m thankful for dusting and vacuuming too
And for the ten thousand times I help re-tie a shoe

I’m thankful for splashing and sudsy-wet tubbies
And for the hours I spend disinfecting the bubbies

Thankful for the permanent spit-uppy-hues
That have all but discolored my shirts and my shoes!

I’m thankful for sippy-cups, binkies and cribs;
For onesies and burp cloths and colorful bibs

For the dark, tired circles that lay ‘neath my eyes
(Concealer, these days, is my favorite disguise!)

For long, sleepless nights that spill into the dawn
All worth it to witness one shy, peaceful yawn

I’m thankful for boo-boos that only insist on
A lollipop, a band-aid, and a mommy to kiss on

I’m thankful for chaos, for loudness, for noise
For the banging of drums and the crashing of toys

For splashes in puddles and piggyback races
For fruit-punch mustaches on hot summer faces

For finger-paint splatters on new hardwood floors
And for loud public tantrums in grocery stores

So perhaps you may wonder why some of these rank,
At the top of a list dedicated to “thanks”

And the answer is simple, yet really profound:
They’re the things I’ll miss most when no longer around;

These days are so fleeting, so I try to embrace
And slow down for a minute, because life’s not a race

And give thanks for the chaos that fills up my days
‘Cause it's beautiful chaos, in so many ways~

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gav gets in touch with his Latino roots...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some forms of happiness are just timeless...

Worth every heart-pounding, nerve-wracking, "you're too close to the edge!" second.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

While coloring a picture, she asked me this today:

A: Mommy, is God up so high that he can see Mars?

Monday, November 2, 2009


One year ago tonight, I sat in our downstairs bathroom, peeing on a sick

that gave us the long awaited, fantastic news that our family of three would soon be a family of FOUR!!!!!! And now look at him-- a happy, smiley, goofy, babbling little miracle!

Wow, what a blur the last year has been- and how fast it's gone's had lots of ups and downs, lots of twists & turns, lots of less-than-ideal bridges to cross. But every single time I look at that little face, I am reminded of what a miracle this little boy truly is, and that it was ALL worth it. Every minute. :-)