So our self-proclaimed "scary little witch" and "happy blue monster" officially celebrated their first Halloween together! The weather was picture perfect for Hallow's eve; a bit blustery, with the most perfect, eerie, whispy clouds creeping in front of a full Harvest moon all night long. Add some obligatory werewolf sounds in the distance, and a few stray black cats, and it would have been the perfect backdrop for just about any (80's) Hollywood horror flick.
Scary little witch scored some excellent candy loot and was sure to "please take one for her brother too?" at every single stop. (Because Charleston chews & Starbursts are definitely what a toothless, gummy, 4-month old blue monster needs, right?)
Little blue monster fell asleep in the stroller about 1/2 way around the block, but scary little witch was a trooper and did the entire circle PLUS all side streets too.
Upon arriving back home, (where Nana & Grampy had been filling the important role of candy-giver-outers), blue monster had a nice big bottle and fell right to sleep, and witch followed suit about 30 minutes later.
All in all, a successful Halloween and the perfect, New England fall backdrop of an evening. Happy Halloween everyone!